In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting 

Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Time: 6:00-7:00pm

Location: Clubhouse/Zoom

Zoom Link:

Attendance: Sam, Tyson, Veronica, Julia, Marcus, Cam, Fiona (D2W), Catherine (O30B), Sarah (O30A), Chris (D4M)

Not in Attendance: Brea, Matt, Aidan, 

Exec Meeting:

  1. Adopt last meeting minutes.
    1. Veronica moves to adopt
    2. Sam seconds
    3. Minutes Adopted
  2. Presidents Report
    1. Away
  3. Vice-President Report
    1. Away
  4. Treasurers Report
    1. We have switched bank to RBC
    2. Shout out to Julia for smoothness of registration fees
    3. Will write cheques for any outstanding fees once Brea is back                                             
  5. Field Report
    1. Revised fields time have been sent to Vince/Casey due to some conflicts
  6. Equipment Report
    1. Nothing major to report
    2. Registration night was a moderate success for jersey deposits
    3. $1900 in deposits collected so far. 
    4. Enough jerseys to cover extra numbers
    5. Both O30Ws team have all equipment
    6. Other teams have most stuff
  7. Membership Report
    1. Registration Update
      1. Collected 47 womens fees/38 mens
        1. Still chasing 27 people (mostly men)
      2. 19 paid but not registered
    2. Josh S refund?
    3. He will be refunded
    4. Can a player pay to play half the season? 
      1. Yes
        1. Vote to set fees at $200
          1. Tyson moves to set vote
          2. Marcus and Sam Second
          3. Vote count
            1. All in favour
          4. Vote passes
    5. Social Committee team Fees? 
      1. Both will get 50% as Cam/Sam will give their discount to Merran/V
      2. Will look to update bylaws to reflect dual role. 
  8. Sponsorship Report
    1. away
  9. Social Report
    1. Hopefully we will have more social events! 
    2. Planning on a Halloween party and a beer pong tournament
    3. Please follow club accounts on Instagram/FB as that’s where a lot of the social/party information goes out
    4. If you want an event promoted get in contact with V and she will get it up on the different social media channels
  10. Website Report
    1. Forwarders are fixed
  11. Merchandise Report
    1. away
  12. New business
    1. Will update constitution to allow for non-club execs in special circumstances.
    2. All teams other than the O30As are playing this week. 
  13. Meeting is adjourned. 

Next Meeting is: After exec meeting on the 29th.