Agenda – Castaways Annual General Meeting
Tuesday September 29, 2020
Discovery Street Sports Club
Meeting called to order
- Sign in sheet – please make sure everyone signs in
- Establish Quorum
- Adopt the rules of order
- Tyson Moves
- Veronica Second
- All in Favour
- Adopt Past minutes
- Tyson Moves
- Veronica seconds
- All in favour
- Adopt the agenda
- Jena moves
- Sam Seconds
- All in favour
- President’s report
- Last Season Recap
- Ended halfway through the season very suddenly due to covid
- Cup just finished but no Castaways teams involved
- New Season Update
- This season is smaller due to loss of 3 teams
- A bit confusing and disorganized due to ongoing situation with covid
- Brea thanks everyone for showing up
- Last Season Recap
- Vice president report
- Nothing to add
- Treasurer’s report
- Financials loss of 4 teams put us in a bit of a pickle due to loss of financial fund from teams
- Looking at where we can save funds w/ fields
- Meeting of LIWSA that outlines refund for fees based on games played. It is a game by game basis though.
- VISL has nothing on refunds in writing and are refusing to put anything in writing. Unknown what will happen with refunds if season is cancelled
- We ended season in a good position financially last year due. Tyson will put together budget now that numbers of teams are confirmed.
- Any questions about finances, Tyson is open to answer them
- We are exploring some grants.
- Registrar’s report
- 4 teams to register
- Payment & registrations have started to come in for Div 3M & Div 4M, O30W B, Div 1W
- Field & Gym Director’s report
- Last year we spent $28,474 in fields costs
- Should only be $19,000 for this year but will increase slightly increase as we just got invoiced for Carnarvon
- COVID Plans must be followed otherwise fields maybe cancelled.
- All Practice and Game Attendance must be kept for 30 days as per regulations.
- Equipment Director’s report
- If any equipment is needed contact Brea/LJ/Marcus
- Social & Fundraising Director’s report
- No updates
- Sponsorship Director’s report
- Companies are not really interested in sponsoring teams now due to covid
- We have new jerseys thanks to U21s last year
- And we have new drink cozies for all club members
- Web report
- Nothing new to report
- Cam is working out how to host PDF of covid safety plans on website
- Also working on getting team lists, practice schedule, etc updated
- Merchandise Report
- Is there any interest in a clothing order this year?
- Do we want to continue at cost or raise prices slightly to help funnel some funds to the club?
- Minimum of 10 of each item for orders
- Aidan will email team reps to gage interest in order before proceeding
Nomination and Election of new Directors
- President
- Tyson Nominates Brea
- Samantha Seconds
- Brea Accepts
- Brea is acclaimed to president for one more year
- Tyson Nominates Brea
- Vice President
- Matt Nominates Samantha
- Jena Seconds
- Samantha Accepts
- Samantha is acclaimed
- Matt Nominates Samantha
- Treasurer
- Jena nominates Tyson
- Sam seconds
- Tyson Accepts
- Tyson acclaimed
- Jena nominates Tyson
- Secretary
- Veronica
- Equipment Director
- Veronica Nomiates Marcus
- Merran Seconds
- Marcus Accepts
- Marcus is acclaimed as the new equipment director by una
- Veronica Nomiates Marcus
- Co-Social Directors (2)
- Jena Nominated Veronica and Merran
- Collen Seconds
- Veronica and Merran accept
- Veronica and Merran acclaimed in to position by unanimous vote
- Jena Nominated Veronica and Merran
General Business
- Business to be raised
- Brea proposes new special resolution to bylaws to allow non-playing club members to be on executive
- Active non-playing Membership
- a.1) This membership shall be open to any 2019/2020 member who, due to covid, will not be playing in the 2020/2021 season but shall remain a member of Castaways FC. This is a voting class of membership. Expires Aug 31st, 2021 and to be revisited.
- Aidan wonders if August 2021 is long enough
- Questions raised about Cam and his place as communications director
- Cam will be added as
- Wording is to be changed so that to reflect September 30, 2021
- Amended bylaw is to read
- Active non-playing Membership
- a.1) This membership shall be open to any 2019/2020 member who, due to covid, will not be playing in the 2020/2021 season but shall remain a member of Castaways FC. This is a voting class of membership. Expires Aug 31st, 2021 and to be revisited.
- Vote is unanimous
- Resolution passed
- Members who have bought banquet tickets are to refund players who bought tickets as banquet has been postponed
- If players want to donate funds to club, they are welcome to let there team reps know and organize that.
- Brea proposes new special resolution to bylaws to allow non-playing club members to be on executive
Meeting adjourned
Veronica motions to adjourn meeting
Marcus seconds
Meeting adjourned at 7:07pm