In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways Annual General Meeting  

Tuesday September 29, 2020


Discovery Street Sports Club

Meeting called to order


  • Sign in sheet – please make sure everyone signs in
  • Establish Quorum
  • Adopt the rules of order
    • Tyson Moves
    • Veronica Second
      • All in Favour
  • Adopt Past minutes
    • Tyson Moves
    • Veronica seconds
      • All in favour
  • Adopt the agenda
    • Jena moves
    • Sam Seconds
      • All in favour


  • President’s report
    • Last Season Recap
      • Ended halfway through the season very suddenly due to covid
      • Cup just finished but no Castaways teams involved
    • New Season Update
      • This season is smaller due to loss of 3 teams
      • A bit confusing and disorganized due to ongoing situation with covid
      • Brea thanks everyone for showing up
  • Vice president report
    • Nothing to add
  • Treasurer’s report
    • Financials loss of 4 teams put us in a bit of a pickle due to loss of financial fund from teams
    • Looking at where we can save funds w/ fields
    • Meeting of LIWSA that outlines refund for fees based on games played. It is a game by game basis though. 
    • VISL has nothing on refunds in writing and are refusing to put anything in writing. Unknown what will happen with refunds if season is cancelled
    • We ended season in a good position financially last year due. Tyson will put together budget now that numbers of teams are confirmed.
    • Any questions about finances, Tyson is open to answer them
    • We are exploring some grants.
  • Registrar’s report
    • 4 teams to register
    • Payment & registrations have started to come in for Div 3M & Div 4M, O30W B, Div 1W
  • Field & Gym Director’s report
    • Last year we spent $28,474 in fields costs
    • Should only be $19,000 for this year but will increase slightly increase as we just got invoiced for Carnarvon
    • COVID Plans must be followed otherwise fields maybe cancelled.
    • All Practice and Game Attendance must be kept for 30 days as per regulations. 
  • Equipment Director’s report
    • If any equipment is needed contact Brea/LJ/Marcus
  • Social & Fundraising Director’s report
    • No updates
  • Sponsorship Director’s report
    • Companies are not really interested in sponsoring teams now due to covid
    • We have new jerseys thanks to U21s last year
    • And we have new drink cozies for all club members
  • Web report
    • Nothing new to report
    • Cam is working out how to host PDF of covid safety plans on website 
    • Also working on getting team lists, practice schedule, etc updated
  • Merchandise Report
    • Is there any interest in a clothing order this year?
    • Do we want to continue at cost or raise prices slightly to help funnel some funds to the club?
    • Minimum of 10 of each item for orders
    • Aidan will email team reps to gage interest in order before proceeding

Nomination and Election of new Directors

  • President
    • Tyson Nominates Brea
      • Samantha Seconds
      • Brea Accepts
    • Brea is acclaimed to president for one more year
  • Vice President
    • Matt Nominates Samantha
      • Jena Seconds
      • Samantha Accepts
    • Samantha is acclaimed
  • Treasurer
    • Jena nominates Tyson
      • Sam seconds
      • Tyson Accepts 
    • Tyson acclaimed 
  • Secretary
    • Veronica 
  • Equipment Director
    • Veronica Nomiates Marcus
      • Merran Seconds
      • Marcus Accepts
    • Marcus is acclaimed as the new equipment director by una
  • Co-Social Directors (2)
    • Jena Nominated Veronica and Merran 
      • Collen Seconds
      • Veronica and Merran accept
    • Veronica and Merran acclaimed in to position by unanimous vote

General Business

  • Business to be raised
    • Brea proposes new special resolution to bylaws to allow non-playing club members to be on executive
      • Active non-playing Membership
      • a.1) This membership shall be open to any 2019/2020 member who, due to covid, will not be playing in the 2020/2021 season but shall remain a member of Castaways FC. This is a voting class of membership. Expires Aug 31st, 2021 and to be revisited. 
      • Aidan wonders if August 2021 is long enough
      • Questions raised about Cam and his place as communications director
        • Cam will be added as 
      • Wording is to be changed so that to reflect September 30, 2021
        • Amended bylaw is to read 
        • Active non-playing Membership
        • a.1) This membership shall be open to any 2019/2020 member who, due to covid, will not be playing in the 2020/2021 season but shall remain a member of Castaways FC. This is a voting class of membership. Expires Aug 31st, 2021 and to be revisited.
      • Vote is unanimous
      • Resolution passed
    • Members who have bought banquet tickets are to refund players who bought tickets as banquet has been postponed
      • If players want to donate funds to club, they are welcome to let there team reps know and organize that. 

Meeting adjourned

Veronica motions to adjourn meeting

Marcus seconds

Meeting adjourned at 7:07pm