In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways FC Special General Meeting

Date: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Time: 7:00-8:00pm 

Location: Zoom 

Zoom Link:

Attendance: Brea, Matt Garnett, Tom, Julia Philips, Marcus, Katie Wick, Aidan, Cameron, Jena, Samantha, Veronica, Merren, Sofie

Not in Attendance: Lots

Elect a Chair

Brea nominated Tom.

Veronica seconds.


Determine Quorum

10 or 5% (7) – 12 in attendance.

Approval of the Agenda

Julia motions to approve.

Jena seconds.


Approval of AGM Minutes

Brea motions to approve.

Jena seconds.


Bylaw Amendment: Fees


Over the past couple of years a number of players have indicated that they would like to play until Christmas and then will be moving away. Since we allow players to join at a reduced fee in January, we propose allowing a half season fee from Sept-Dec as well. This was approved at an executive meeting and needs to be ratified at an AGM or SGM.

Fees are currently set at $325 for the season. Of this cost, a portion covers DSC fees ($50) and VISL/LIWSA registration (up to $62.50). Field and other costs are additional. As a result, we chose a new rate of $200 to play either half of the season:

September 1 to December 31

January 1st onward

Current Bylaw:

Silent on partial year dues, unless a refund is approved.

Proposed Bylaw:

Move current 2.5 to 2.6

Add 2.5, as follows:

The amount of partial year membership dues must be determined by the Board and approved at the general meeting.

Julia motions to approve.

Brea seconds.

Unanimous Vote

Amendment is approved.

Bylaw Amendment: Number & Duties of Directors


The current bylaws allow for up to 11 board members to sit at any given time. This allows for all director positions to be held by one individual, plus one director at large to sit.

Each position is implied to be held by one member, but over the past few years the social director position has been shared by two members. Both social directors have attended most/all meetings and shared the responsibilities, and it was advertised that each would be eligible for the discounted membership.

It would also allow a member who is committing considerable time and effort to either Web Technician or Clothing Coordinator duties to sit as a Member at Large and benefit from discounted membership.

Our proposal is

to allow for the position of social director to be held by 2 individuals; or

to define a director at large as somebody who assists others in their role and receives a 50% discount on membership dues. This would allow for any position to be shared between 2 individuals if considered appropriate.

Current bylaw:

4.1: The Society must have no fewer than 3 and no more than 11 directors.

6.2 Directors who are elected or appointed to positions on the Board in addition to the positions described in these Bylaws are elected or appointed as directors at large.

The position is not discussed further.

Proposed bylaw:

4.1: The Society must have no fewer than 3 and no more than 15 directors.

6.2 Directors who are elected or appointed to positions on the Board in addition to the positions described in these Bylaws are elected or appointed as directors at large. A director at large may assist other directors in their duties from time to time, as required.

7.1: List Director at Large as 50% Membership Paid

Julia motions to approve.

Jena seconds.

Unanimous Vote

Amendment is approved.

Bylaw Amendment: Non-player Executive Members


Last year due to the Covid19 Pandemic, an exemption was added to allow executive members who were not players due to covid to sit on the executive. We would like to make this exemption permanent to allow non-players to sit as directors as desired. There also does not appear to be any indication that only members may sit on the Board. Our proposal is to allow non-playing members to sit on the board.

Current wording:

Proposed wording:

b) Associate Membership

– Shall be open to head coaches, assistant coaches, managers, directors and board members that are not already active members. These members don’t pay dues. This is a voting class of membership.

Julia motions to approve.

Cam seconds.

Unanimous Vote

Amendment is approved.

Approval of Fees

Full year fees: $325 (no change)

Partial year fees for 2021/2022

Defined as:

September 1st through December 31st; $200

January 1st through August 31st,$150

Approval of fees has been amended during the SGM as seen above.

Brea motions to vote.

Marcus seconds.

Unanimous Vote

Amended amendment is approved.

Approval of Budget

Julia motions to approve.

Brea seconds.

Unanimous vote.

Budget is approved with comments.


5 Board positions available


Director at Large x4

Julia nominates Aiden as Director at Large

Cam seconds.

Aiden accepts.

New Business

No new business

Adjourn the meeting

Julia motions to adjourn.

Brea seconds.

Meeting adjourned.