Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting
Date: Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021
Time: 8:00-9:00pm
Location: Zoom
Zoom Link:
Julia, Tom, Veronica, Brea, Jena, Marcus, Aiden, Cam, Sam, Merren
Not in Attendance:
Exec Meeting:
Adopt last meeting minutes.
Cam motions
Veronica seconds
Presidents Report
No update.
Vice-President Report
No update
Treasurers Report
Not in attendance
Field Report
PISE Corner Flags
Marcus has ordered turf corner flags.
Not able to store items there at this time. Will need to work on communication for shuffling flags around.
Brea to look ahead at scheduling for how to handoff flags.
Potentially purchase second set as price is low.
PISA Field use
Adequate transitions between users.
Jena to request league to push kickoff 15 minutes later.
Be aware of time being tight, and halftimes can’t be long.
Let rest of leagues know about the PISE rules.
Jena to draft a pre game PISE notification for opponents.
We have priority access to grass lit fields at Carnarvon
Jena to email team reps to let them know.
Vaccine requirements for indoor
Oak Bay rec seems to be a self policing policy.
Equipment Report
Discuss purchase of more game balls.
$80 each. Buy 9 get 10th free ($720 for 10)
Marcus to discuss with Tyson that money is available.
Membership Report
DSC Memberships sent to Brea. 127 players.
Sponsorship Report
Open positions.
Social Report
Waiting for mask mandate to be lifted for larger social events.
Potential to do a trivia night (max cap. 40)
Potential to open for Men’s World Cup Qualifying viewing.
Website Report
Contacts are updated.
Practices and games cannot be posted.
Minutes for last couple of exec meetings needed to be posted.
Web support likely to become a charged support.
Waiting on quote for repair to website schedules.
Merchandise Report
Reached out to Out of the Blue and Passion Sports.
Out of the Blue does not have ability to do online web order.
Passion Sports can do online order. Free provided 15 of any item is ordered?
Aiden to clarify.
Two companies seem fairly similar price wise. Could require more detailed viewing.
Veronica to email poll items to Aiden
New business
AGM communication Mailchimp – Can we email people?
To add a link to subscribe to our Socials – Tom to look into MailChimp
Constant Contact
Royals games are happening, do we have tickets to sell?
Brea will look into this.
Meeting is adjourned.
Veronica motions to adjourn.
Julia seconds
Meeting is adjourned.
Next Meeting is: Dec. 8th, 2021 7pm