Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting
Date: Tuesday November 12th, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse
Attendance: Tyson Lorath, Arielle Anderson, Samantha Postle, Jenna Croft, Julia Philips, Cam Rose, Brea Moore, Veronica Hackett, Sukhi (D2W), Tessa (D2W), Val (030B), LJ, Stephanie (30B), Aidan Elkin, Geoff (O45s)
- Sam motions to adopt the minutes from last meeting
- Tyson seconds
- Minutes are adopted and meeting commences
- Presidents Report
- Not much to say
- Sunday Fundays have been well attended
- DSC leaders ask that teams get to club house asap after games as clubby is sitting empty for a while
- Vice-President Report
- Treasurers Report
- Not much of an update as of right now
- Everything is looking good, balance is sitting at roughly $28,000
- Fields are paid till December and DSC fees are due coming up
- Appears we have slightly more funding this year than last at same point
- Field Report
- Not much to report
- Several field request to complete and will be getting to them later this week
- One u21 game to reschedule and 030As to reschedule
- Equipment Report
- Not much to update
- LJ thanks Brea for opening the bar
- If you need equipment or anything contact LJ
- If anyone needs socks let LJ know and he can arrange a new order
- Several pairs of shorts left
- Membership Report
- Two refunds for injuries
- U21 have one player guy whos not playing
- D4s have a player registered but not playing as well
- Website Report
- Nothing to report
- Sponsorship Report
- Got the second check for u21 sponsor
- Only 1 printer will do printing on used jersey, turn around is 3 weeks so Matt is looking for alternative jerseys for them to wear during this time.
- Got the second check for u21 sponsor
- Social Report
- Social is good, thanks to those who respond to emails
- Flip-cup Fundraiser
- So far no u21s but they will pull through
- Div 4Ms are having their fundraiser on Nov 29th
- Clubhouse will be open Nov 22nd post Div 3M game
- Merchandise Report
- Store has been closed
- Some items are needing to be bulked up
- Brea has asked what it would cost for all orders to be bulked enough to order it all.
- Jenna has asked about whether extra items can be used for teams raffles etc.
- New business
- Royals 50/50 fundraiser set
- First set for Sat Jan 11th
- Second needs to be set
- Potential dates
- – Fri Feb 7th @ 7:05 – Friday following Super Bowl Party
- – Sat Feb 8th @ 7:07 – Saturday following Super Bowl Party
- – Fri Feb 21st @ 7:05
- – Sat Feb 29th @ 7:05
- – Fri Mar 13th @ 7:05 – day before St. Pattys day
- – Sat Mar 14th @ 7:05 – St. Pattys day
- Unanimous vote for second date to be Feb 29th
- Potential dates
- Membership fees are due
- Tyson and Julia will talk and get check for next meeting
- Is there interest in an ugly sweater party?
- The bar will try to bring in Eggnog for Rum and Egg nog special
- Royals 50/50 fundraiser set
- Sixty-second Team Reports
- D2W – Doing good, they have 20 points in second place, 3 goals against all season. Killing it
- O30A – Doing well, won last 2 games. Thanks to some of the O30Bs who came and played on Friday to help with low numbers, 1 make up game to play against gorge, schedule just got released for this weekend, but they have a bye.
- O30B – Right where they want to be. In third place where they wanna be keep losing to top 2 teams but winning every other game
- D3M – Beat SFFC (1 place behind us) 4-1 on the weekend, very rough game. Movember is going strong and otherwise season is good.
- D4M – No player in attendance
- U21s – Doing really well, close or tied for first, winning there last few games by good amounts, no injuries so far.
- O35s – Beat team ahead of them 2-1 on the weekend, right behind UVIC in second place, 25 guys with good rotation. Good opportunity to finish second.
- O45s – No pregnancies to report, having a lot of fun but also a lot of injuries.
Next meeting is December 10th