In Executive Minutes

Date: Monday May 14, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse

Attendance (Executive): Brea Moore, Stefan Colantonio, Matt Garnett, Jena Croft, Lee Johnson, Cam Rose

Regrets: Ryan Emo, Chris MacIsaac

Adoption of Minutes
Lee Johnson introduced a motion to approve the April minutes; the motion was seconded by Jena Croft; all in favour – motion passed.

Ongoing business and Summary of Action Items
Executive and directors are to look at the Castaways constitution and bylaws and make suggestions on how the description for their board position could be updated.
Tyson will send out an email at the start of May to close out this year and provide an overall financial view of the club.
Brea to follow up to clarify seek further detail. The executive would like this information at each monthly meeting going forward.
Jen brought to meeting an estimates for fields (reflects fees increasing from city etc). Can fit two two within existing field rentals as there were underutilized field times. There was a discussion about raising player’s registration fees to address increased costs, which are mostly driven by increase in cost of renting fields.
Jena will send to Stefan and Tyson. Tyson to add forecasted amount for next year, Jena will have better idea in a couple mounts as permits go through.
Tyson to pull together amount we need to be positive / break-even relative to status quo.
Stefan to start typing up a motion for AGM then fill in with Tyson’s numbers.
Stefan to follow up with VISL score recorder about selling the Invicta’s new division 3 spot.
Brea will follow-up about the security deposit for the year-end as security did not show up.
Board members are to start recruiting club members to be nominated for executive positions at the next AGM.
Cam will email Shane (our previous website contractor) and cc Elle about the website hosting issue.

Presidents Report
Action: Brea will follow-up about the security deposit for the year-end as security did not show up.
There are ongoing discussions with a potential u21 team.
There was a discussion on positions such as VP coming up for election at the next AGM.
Action: Board members are to start recruiting club members to be nominated for executive positions at the next AGM.

Vice-President Report

Social Report
There are social events at Clubhouse the over the summer including viewing of the Champions league final and select world cup games. Brea will make Facebook events. These are Discovery Sports Club (DSC) initiatives.

Treasurers Report

Equipment Report
Waiting on bins from div 4 men, div 1, o30.
Most teams brought back. Summer action items: go through premier and o30 women’s jersey figure out if we have enough for u21. Lee will email soccer world for price of jerseys for two teams and a timeline. Matt will see if we can get sponsor on jerseys.

Field Report
No updates outside of ongoing business.

New Membership Report

Website Report
The website was down because of the complexity of which company was hosting the site. The issue was related to a company that the club worked with prior to the new website. The problem was identified and Cam is working with Ryan (our website contractor) to find a solution.
Action: Cam will email Shane (our previous website contractor) and cc Elle about the website hosting issue.

Sponsorship Report

New business
The rugby club want to use our space for photos. At the start of next season soccer teams are to take pictures to fill out space on the wall.
Declan will varnish the member of the year board once we take it down. More space will be added for names of future member of the year winners.
U21 team: Waiting for confirmation of field permits then it will be good to go to have u21. Will have a few things to do to finalize such as insurance details.

Adjournment 7:15pm. Next meeting is July 23, 2018 (6pm). AGM is tentative for August 15, 2018 (7pm).