Date: Monday March 5, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse
Attendance (executive): Brea Moore, Ryan Emo, Stefan Colantonio, Matt Garnett, Lee Johnson, Jena Croft, Cam Rose, Julia Diamond.
Summary of Action Items
Tyson to confirm list of players who have been granted a refund and provide to Julia; Julia will advise players to make arrangements with Lee to return jerseys.
Matt distributed copies of the proposed changes to the VISL bylaws and will send out digital version to executive for comments.
Rose to follow-up about requirements for other stations (e.g., first aid)
Executive and directors are to look at the Castaways constitution and bylaws and make suggestions on how the description for their board position could be updated.
Tyson will calculate the revenue from tickets and 50/50 and compare with labour day.
Team reps are to fill out field survey.
Matt to email executive about details on prices of ties and decision to do a bulk order.
February Minutes
Lee introduced a motion to approve the February minutes; the motion was seconded by Matt; all in favour – motion passed.
Presidents Report
Jena and Brea attended a course related to societies. The club will need to Will work through bylaws,
Action: Executive and directors are to look at the Castaways constitution and bylaws and make suggestions on how the description for their board position could be updated.
The Castaways AGM needs to be held within 6 months of end of fiscal. Tyson will propose a 17-month budget (January 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019) at the September AGM to have our fiscal year start on June 1 starting in 2019. The change in fiscal year will need to be communicated to BC Societies.
Social Report (Brea)
Tickets for year end, Newfie will distribute tickets to team reps. March 21st is the deadline to get money and tickets. Details include: Tickets are $35 flat rate for both tournament and banquet, there will be security at the door and will need tickets, ID required, Cash bar but no ATM and $5 drinks. There will be bucket of booze raffle
Names for awards are to be sent by team reps to Katie through team rep.
Coaches who do no play (i.e., do no have fees reimbursed) get complimented ticket to the banquet.
Vice-President Report
Hoyne is sponsoring with beer again and awards.
Treasurers Report
Positive bank account right now compared to last year but still need to account for $3500 field fees.
Action: Tyson will calculate the revenue from tickets and 50/50 and compare with labour day.
Field Report
Sorting out payments. Need to know if teams still need practice schedule. Let Jena know if you will cancel fields or need new game times.
Action: Team reps are to fill out field survey.
Equipment Report
Equipment to start coming in soon, coordinate with lee to get balls, nets, corner flags in. Wash jerseys.
UVic turf does not have corner flags. The club might want to consider purchasing turf corner flags for next year.
New Membership Report
One new signing div 2 women
Website Report
Cam will speak to Ryan (website contractor) about a proposal to update display and functional changes. Also ask about a welcome message to new players and adding photos.
Action: Cam will report back to executive about prices for: upgrades, maintenance for our yearly budget, welcome message, photos.
Sponsorship Report
Reaching out to two sponsors about year-end but the companies declined. The club will not pursue table sponsors, but will build better opportunities for sponsors.
New business
Renato provided an information about the potential creation of a new division 4 team within Castaways team. He has 15-18 guys that he could bring in for div 4 next year. There was a general consensus that the club supports the creation of this new team.
Renato started an internship with the Victoria Highlanders soccer club and that organization would like to partner with soccer clubs about a summer fundraiser related to selling season tickets. The fundraising opportunity is not created yet and Renato will keep Castaways informed of any new developments.
Ties – 6 responses saying yes.
Action: Matt to email executive about details on price and decision to do a bulk order.
Sixty-second Team Reports
Div 1– Not a great month, didn’t win any of them. Good news about youth permits wanted to play. Two more league games.
Div 2 – Won the league. Advance in the cup.
Div 3 – Played three cup games, but Sooke bumped them out.
O30 – Won the league. Advanced in cup with won win and two ties.
Div 3 – Won 1st cup game, lost second. Won this weekend 5-0 with 10 guys.
Div 4 – Finished season in second, winning 13 of last 14 league games and tying 1.
O35 – Lost to Gorge in cup. Couple games left in season.
O48 – N/A.
Adjournment. 7:19 pm | Next meeting April 9, 2018 at 6pm.