In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting 

Date: Monday June 1, 2020

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm

Location: Zoom

Attendance: Veronica, Julia, Cam, Samantha, Tyson, Aidan, Lee, Connor, Brea, Matt

  • Motion Past Minutes
    • Lee motions and Veronica Seconds
  1. Presidents Report
    1. Jersey Collection
      1. Remote Collection has been good
        1. Div 2W turned in
        2. O30A turned in
        3. O30Bs turned in
        4. Div 3M have a few stragglers
        5. Div 4M waiting on 3 more
        6. U21M Thain has a chunk in, a few stragglers to come
      2. Still have a hold on Victoria Market for September year end(start)
  2. Vice-President Report
    1. Ironman has been postponed till next year, nothing set for this year. 
  3. Treasurers Report
    1. Not too much to report
    2. $5500 balance on accounts + funds on hold at Roast/VPM
    3. Have some field credits
    4. Appear to have made some money ($5-600)
    5. Get in touch with Tyson if you have any outstanding reimbursements
  4. Field Report
  5. Equipment Report
    1. Equipment Return update
      1. Thanks to Pres/VP to for jersey collection
      2. Most equipment is in
        1. Waiting for Div 4M and OGM
      3. Has done some cleaning/organizing of locker
    2. Thanking the Line Painter
      1. Will get Jer a case of beer again
  6. Membership Report
    1. No new members
    2. LIWSA Team Registration is now open
      1. New registration process for women
        1. Need Coaches/Assistant Coach/Field Info
      2. No Fee until they figure out if okay to play
  7. Website Report
    1. Still up! 
    2. Nothing to report
  8. Sponsorship Report
    1. We have new castaway branded beer cozies thanks to Rick Humphries on 035M
    2. Have enough to give all club members this year and maybe next year
    3. Would like to get them out to members asap but though with restrictions. 
      1. Brea trying to figure out how to have small event at DSC
  9. Social Report
    1. Wants to do the pre-season kickaround however is not possible atm with distancing restrictions
    2. Now looking at hosting fundraiser for DSC
      1. Date will be decided when Brea can consult with DSC Board
  10. Merchandise Report
    1. Everyone who placed order has picked up
    2. Have some remaining club gear for raffle/draw
    3. Aidan owes club $6                 
  11. New business
    1. New Team
      1. Some Prospect Lake players have expressed interest in joining club as new Div 2W.  
    2. U21
      1. After discussion with Vince, u21 fines are paid and all monetary dealings with VISL are square
      2. Questions remain if U21s will return next year
        1. Will need new manager at minimum and possibly new coach too.
    3. New Exec Meeting
      1. Equipment Manager
      2. Co/Possible New Social Exec           
  12. Sixty-second Team Reports
    1. Nothing new in last month

Next meeting is TBA