In Executive Minutes

Attendance (Executive)
Brea Moore, Stefan Colantonio, Jena Croft, Tyson Loreth, Julia Diamond (phone), Cam Rose, Matt Garnett

Regrets: Lee Johnson

Adoption of Minutes
Matt introduced a motion to approve the May minutes; the motion was seconded by Tyson; all in favour – motion passed.

Ongoing Business and Summary of Action Items
Consensus was that the executive will propose a motion to increase fees by $25. This will be reflected in the background/motion document.

1. Presidents Report
The member of the year board is currently being fixed.

2. Vice-President Report

3. Treasurers Report
Sorted out e-transfer form.
This was a successful year financially; for example, the year-end made money.
Tyson expressed concerns about equipment costs and will to speak with Lee.
Would like to talk about refunds at AGM $1,200 last year. Maybe give moving people 50%. Maybe medical situation only.
Not documented, always discretionary
Put in bylaws? What are other clubs doing?
Action: Julia to draft bylaw language on refunds.

4. Equipment Report
Lee submitted his Equipment Report via email.
The executive is of the view we should around 50 subject to Lee’s discretion and that the club should charge members $5 per pair.
Motion: Jena motions that the club no longer provides free socks at registration. Matt seconded. Motion passes all in favour.
Motion: Tyson motions to order around 50 pairs of socks for the club (subject to Lee’s discretion) to be sold at $5 per pair to players who request them. Jena seconds. Motion passes all in favour.
Motion: Brea submits a motion to order 30 pairs of shorts (5 small, 10 medium, 10 large and 5 XL) to be sold at cost to players who request them. Jena seconds. Motion passed all in favour.

4. Field Report
Action: Schedule to come out this week.

6. New Membership Report
All teams registered with LIWSA and VISL.
At the next meeting, there is a need to discuss a date for registration night. Registration night could occur first week of Spetember.

7. Website Report
Website back up. Original host cancelled our service without telling us. Cam called, and resolved the issue.
Cam received a quote from Ryan (website contractor) about adding new teams to the website and the cost is $240, but will not go over. Cam will finalize the numbers and ask about adding a “looking for players” link up front.

8. Sponsorship Report
Trying to find sponsor for u21. Telus to cover costs of u21 kits for three year sponsorship term.

9. Social Report

10. New Business

New paid VISL Executive Director position
Stefan provided update

Bylaws and Constitution rewrite
We are not a member-funded society (even though we accidently registered as one). As non-member society we have to be provide or information (on request) such as director remuneration. However, we can now apply for more grants. The consensus to stay as non-member society.
Updates to the bylaw include: removing language already included in the Society Act, allow executive to call in to vote, change the AGM quorum to 10 members
The club will need a sign-in sheet at the AGM to for directors.
There was a discussion on adding a new Communications Director position in the constitution.
Action: Stefan to draft responsibilities/duties for Communications Director for feedback.
Action: Jena and Brea to continue drafting new special resolutions, and will incorporate the new position. Executive is to review before deadline of August 1.
Action: Stefan to send Jena and Brea list of how much remuneration the Board of Directors receive.

Registration fee increase for 2018 season
Voted on and discussed in ongoing business.

Letter from DSC requesting funds
Jena, as bar manager of DSC, discussed the letter requesting funds from soccer and rugby. There are $1,500 of bills that overdue and require immediate payment. There are bigger future plans (e.g., raising rents for parking spots and offices) to address the ongoing DSC financial issue, but there is a need money up front so the DSC can survive until September.
Action: Brea to send list long-term plans to raise DSC revenue
Motion: Matt put a motion forward to give the DSC $1,000 as a special funding, with understanding that longer term plans to increase revenue are in place. Stefan seconded.
Passes unanimously.
Tyson was not here to vote, Brea and Jena abstained out of conflict of interest.

Adjourned at 7:25