In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting 

Date: Monday January 7, 2020

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm

Location: Castaways Clubhouse

Attendance: Brea, Samantha, Tyson, Connor, Aidan, Matt G, Cam, Veronica, Jenna, Collen (D2W), Anna (D2W), Bunny (030A), Val (030B), Chandra (030B), Geoff (048), Julia, LJ, 

  1. Presidents Report 
    1. Royals 50/50
      1. Good list of Volunteers so far, could use a few more. D2W, O30A, O30B have all provided volunteers. Mens teams please provide some volunteers. All participants please try to wear castaways gear. 
      2. Ticket sales are mixed some good, some bad
    2. End of Year Banquet/tournament
      1. We have Oak Bay Indoor Turf for April 4th
      2. Div 2 W will run the tournament
      3. Brea will confirm that Vic Public Market is booked ASAP
      4. LJ will prints tickets once 100% confirmed
      5. Food will be taco
      6. Veronica will ensure DSC is booked
      7. Tickets will be $35/ticket
      8. viii.Teams will be able to buy as many as they want. Team members only, No SOs
      9. Coaches who don’t also play for Castaways get tickets gifted as thank you
      10. Veronica will send out a save the date
  2. Vice-President Report
    1. All covered by Brea
  3. Treasurers Report
    1. No updates
    2. A couple refunds processed
    3. Some field monies are owed
    4. $7700 in bank w/ further $4500 out for tickets to hockey
    5. Pretty even versus last year
    6. We need float for the 50/50 ($600)
      1. Sam or Brea will get it
  4. Field Report
    1. Rest of Year practice schedule is up
      1. Jenna is not training
    2. Rain has been heavy over last few weeks so grass fields may well be closed
      1. Turfs may close as well
    3. Updates to Carnarvon 
      1. There maybe a potential fieldhouse at Carnarvon Park
        1. Bays may invest, Castaways invest as a possibility to secure storage space
  5. Equipment Report
    1. Reminder to return jerseys of players who are not playing
    2. Do we need line paint?
      1. Jenna to check
      2. LJ provided 2 boxes at the beginning of season
  6. Membership Report
    1. 3 new women signing this week
    2. U21 may have players signing too
  7. Website Report
    1. Practice schedule will go up this weekend
    2. Field Status plugin will be up hopefully by next weekend
  8. Sponsorship Report
    1. No update
  9. Social Report
    1. Nothing to report
    2. Feb 2nd is Superbowl party
    3. Feb 29th is second hockey game (Clubhouse will be open both before and after game) 
  10. Sixty-second Team Reports
    1. D2W: 2nd place had a good Christmas party!
    2. 030A: Nothing to report, still in first
    3. 030B: Had a nice Christmas party, hurting for players, especially a goalie, sitting mid table
    4. D3M: Tied for first 1st place, facing other 1st place team (Gorge) on Jan 19th, 
    5. D4M: No attendance
    6. U21M: No attendance
    7. 035M: 2-1 win right before over SFFC, right in 3rd place only 3 games left to play
    8. 048M: Lots of injuries as usual, first game is Sunday 
  11. New business
    1. U21 Fines
      1. Outlined to u21 that all fines are responsibility of the team. All fines must be paid to play in cup play. Outstanding fine amount $450.
      2. There will be u21 team meeting on Thursday, Jan 9th at the clubhouse
    2. DK Motors
      1. We have all of DKs motors money, u21 have not provided jerseys. We were just given opportunity to provide a new sponsorship. Sponsorship is not tied to team but to kit. 
        1. Sponsorship will be printed on u21 kit, if u21 don’t exist then will go to team with next oldest kit. 
  12. Action Items
    1. Connor to Approach Tim(OB Parks) re: Carnarvon Fieldhouse. Jenna will reach out to bays re: their donation/clubhouse

Next Meeting is February 11th 6-7th at clubby