In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting 

Date: Monday February 8, 2021

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm

Location: Skype/Zoom 

Zoom Link:

Attendance: Cam, Sam, Veronica, Josh S (Div 4M), Tyson, Merren, Tim (O48M), Catherine (O30AW), Shaun (Div 4M), Matt G, Julia, Jena, Brea, 

  1. Adopt last meeting minutes.
    1. Sam moves to adopt.
    2. Veronica Seconds
  2. Presidents Report
    1. Roast will not give the deposit back but are keeping it as deposit and can be applied moving.
  3. Vice-President Report
    1. Got the VIAsports grant worth $5000!
  4. Treasurers Report
    1. Grant funds have not been deposited but Tyson will keep eye out.
    2. Div. 3M withdraw which was 1st team in VISL to opt-out so no refund at this time. 
      1. Tyson will follow up with Vince/VISL to see what they want. 
  5. Field Report
    1. Fields are still all shut, and bookings are all cancelled for the next month.
    2. Oak Bay Rec is shutting down the rest of the season.
  6. Equipment Report
  7. Membership Report
    1. Nothing to add, happy to process refunds if necessary.
  8. Sponsorship Report
    1. Nothing to update.
  9. Social Report 
    1. Nothing new to add.
    2. Next meeting the fundraising funds are due. 
  10. Website Report
    1. Hosting and website hosting need to be renewed so Cam will touch base with Tyson for a check to pay.
  11. Merchandise Report
    1. Store went up and came down. Sold 59 items but 2 types of item did not reach the minimum. Hats and Macron quarter zip did not reach min quota. 1 Jacket, 3 Hats. Need 24 of each. Aidan suggest that hats be topped up but not Jacket. 
      1. Aidan will purchase 9 more (4 navy, 5 Black)
    2. Order should be completed tonight and ready in 3 weeks.
    3. Aidan will touch base with Brett @ Team Sales to ensure individual who purchased quarter zip has knows that we cannot order and offer chance to get something. 
  12. New business
    1. Vee would like to put up the new team photos so will touch base Brea/Jena to coordinate. 
  13. 60 second team report
    1. Not done

Next Meeting is: March 8, 2021 6-7pm Location TBA