In Executive Minutes

Date: Monday December 10, 2018

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm

Location: Castaways Clubhouse


Matt Garnett, Julia Diamond, Brea Moore, Cam Rose, Samantha Postle, Jena Croft, Julia Phillips, Lee Johnson, Tyson Loreth, Stefan Colantonio, Geoff Briggs, Steph Kittleson, Thain

Adoption of Minutes

  • Tyson introduced a motion to approve the previous minutes; the motion was seconded by Lee; all in favour – motion passed.

Ongoing business and Summary of Action Items

  • Action items were reviewed.

1. Presidents Report

50/50 royals hockey tickets

  • Brea distributed the tickets for January 11 (social game), and February 18 (family day), where we will be running 50-50 fundraiser.
  • There are 300 total ticekts, with 200 for Jan 11 (25 tickets per each team)
  • Each team is responsible for selling tickets (or making up remainder)
  • We are aiming to have 15-20 volunteers from the club (average of 2-3 per team) to sell 50/50 tickets at the Feb 18th game. Recommendation to wear Castaways gear.
  • There was a suggestion to buy the tickets as Christmas gifts for family.
  • Action: Cam to write up promotional email with details on selling tickets and to inform members that volunteers are needed for 50-50 night.

Merchandise website

  • We sold enough merchandise to meet Teamsale’s minimum revenue 

Women’s schedule on website

  • Action: Cam to add women’s schedule to website.

U21 game cheering/clubby night

  • The club is organizing a social night watch the u21 team and welcome them to club as many are too young to attend the the clubhouse.
  • Action: Veronica to look into dates of u21 games to have social night.

Fundraising events from teams

  • If you team has fundraiser let DSC know as clubhouse gets booked for private events.

2. Vice-President Report

  • No updates.

3. Treasurers Report

  • No major updates. Let Tyson know if you need checks for bills.

4. Field Report

  • Mixed up scheduling with div 2 game as PISE had a staff party. Club may have to pay for referee.

5.Equipment Report

  • Checks are going back for jersey deposits for injuries.
  • We need corner flags for Finlayson turf. 
  • Action: Jena and Lee to look into obtaining a secure bin at Finlayson. Lee to look into pricing for turf corner flags.

6. New Membership Report

  • Action: Julia to provide a list of club members to Tyson for paying DSC fees

7. Website Report

  • New website is up. Still getting quotes on fields conditions page.

8. Sponsorship Report

  • No updates

9. Social Report

  • Looked into social event for December 16 but not enough interest.
  • Action: Veronica to look into dates for booking clubhouse to watch World Juniors games.

10. Team Reports


  1. Div 2: Doing well it is a very tight league
  2. Div 3: A few tough losses and commitment is waning. Team meeting in new year.
  3. O30A: Had first loss, but was with 10 players. 
  4. O30B: Doing well, have 9 wins in second place.


  1. U21: Took a bad 7-1 loss yesterday. Struggling in second half of games. In 4th place out of 6 in first season. Meeting with other two coaches about cup play. Discussion on $250 fine for game cancellation.

Action: Tyson to follow up with VISL board (not their Executive Director) directly to discuss u21’s fine. Club to vote on covering fine.

  1. O35s:  Tie with Fernwood on Sunday
  2. O48: Lots of guys signed. Lots of close games but can’t find back of net.
  3. Div 3: Bottom part of bracket so will play other teams in same half of table. Had a game abandoned
  4. Div 4: Now in second place. Might pick up a couple more players.

Next meeting January 7, 2018 at 6pm

Meeting adjourned at 6:59