Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting
Date: Tuesday August 17th, 2021
Time: 6:30-7:30pm
Location: Skype/Zoom
Zoom Link:
Attendance: Brea, Sam, Tyson, Connor, Jena, Julia, Marcus, Matt, Shaun (Div4M), Catherine (030B),
Missing: Cam, Veronica, Merren
Exec Meeting:
- Adopt last meeting minutes.
- Sam moves to adopt
- Tyson Seconds
- Minutes Adopted
- Sam moves to adopt
- Presidents Report
- Not too much to report
- Schedules are starting to be sent over
- Question from Jeff Briggs about transfer of player fees for O45s
- Vice-President Report
- Nothing to add
- Treasurers Report
- Not tons to talk about
- Thank you to Julia for getting all the refunds organized and sent out
- Jeff and Julia chatted about the O45s as they weren’t happy about amount that was refunded to rest of club
- They felt should be higher as they only played 8 games and 8 practices
- Account with Coast Capital terminated due to difficulties with dealing with bank
- Moving account to RBC
- Possibly $3 fee for account though will request to have it waived.
- Club is in best financial position in at least last 6 years.
- Field Report
- Sorry for the delay in getting the August schedule out
- O48s don’t want the Wednesday practice time (9-10 Finlayson)
- Field time is open for next 2 weeks.
- September/Fall schedule should be out this weekend
- Are there any teams that want indoor gym time?
- Jena will send out email to judge interest.
- Are there any teams that want indoor gym time?
- The loss of Topaz is making things tight for outdoor fields
- Game schedules are starting to come out.
- Teams will be splitting home games between Carnarvon and PISE
- Possible Sunday afternoon/evening times available
- Jena to send out email seeing if people want to/can play then.
- O48s don’t want the Wednesday practice time (9-10 Finlayson)
- Sorry for the delay in getting the August schedule out
- Equipment Report
- Inventory of equipment room shows that ore jerseys are needed for teams that are registered and other equipment (balls, cones, etc)
- Socks and shorts that were ordered in July and should arrive soon.
- Is there a budget for organizational stuff for the gear room?
- Tyson suggests that Marcus rough out an estimate for what’s needed for the year and room.
- Marcus has list of things that are needed.
- Tysons thinks that we will need to spend some money to get the club back to a positive gear balance.
- Several teams are missing jerseys and short a team’s kits.
- If Marcus can provide a timeline to Matt, he will try to coordinate sponsors to cover the costs.
- There maybe more new soccer balls hidden at the back of the locker.
- Marcus will get more paint for the lines at Carnarvon
- Membership Report
- Refund Update
- Last refund was processed yesterday.
- All refunds have now been processed and dealt with
- New Registration Spreadsheet has been setup
- E-transfers are easiest for Julia
- Will move to get e-transfers as primary method of payment
- Registration Night
- Would be a good social and club bonding event but still hesitancy due to people unable to vaccinate.
- Date will be September 2 6:30-9:0pm.
- Jersey deposit will again be $50 post dated to March 31st.
- Refund Update
- Sponsorship Report
- Nothing to report
- Always on the look out for sponsors. If you have an one interested in sponsoring the club please direct them to Matt.
- Social Report
- No update
- Wants to host a party at clubhouse once reopen!
- Website Report
- Working on the forwarders, haven’t heard from Ryan for two weeks. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re his priority, and fair enough since he doesn’t make any more off us. Hopefully I can work with him to fix it ASAP.
- Will get game schedules and practise schedules for the season up as soon as Jena gets them to me. Will update team reps and exec listing as soon as I am sent the new listings from tonight. Please ensure everyone enters their full information on the lists, and that they don’t just write “same as before.” I will need the full information as at the beginning of this season in case we revert to a back up again, and there is too many changes between seasons and in mid season to keep the current listing straight. So team reps and exec, please fill out the entire information section!
- Merchandise Report
- Nothing to report
- New business
- Coverage for Meeting minutes
- Date for AGM
- Wednesday September 29th 6:30 Start
- Meeting is adjourned.
Next Meeting is: Wednesday September 8th, 6:30pm
AGM Date: Wednesday September 29th 6:30 Start