In Executive Minutes

Attendance: Cam, Julie, Alana, Chris Wick, Tyson, Marc, Julia, Rose, matt, Stu, Melissa

Absent: Katie, Nat,

  1. Presidents Report
    • Brea will send out an update after the meeting which will include information about the Castaways “Labour Day” tournament.
  1. Vice-President Report
    • N/a
  1. Treasurers Report
    • Currently writing checks. The year-end party is estimated to break even.
  1. Field Report
    • n/a
  1. Equipment Report
    • n/a
  1. New Membership Report
    • Premier’s signed six players who were required to pay the league fees of $30.
  1. Website Report
    • The domain name for the website is renewed for next three years. One more big meeting will get everything finished.
  1. Sponsorship Report
    • We made money on sponsorship for year-end. Most of Bluebird Cabs stubs were used.
  1. Social Report
    • Katie sent in a social report via email that included a thank you to everyone that helped at the year-end banquet.
  1. New business
    • Brea will arrange a meeting to discuss and plan the “Labour Day” tournament.
  1. Sixty-second Team Reports
    • Premier women: They play Victoria Athletics in the provincial semi final. Specific Date is to be determined but it will be sometime over the last weekend of April. 
    • Div1 Women: no updates
    • Div 2 women: mad it to provincials. Drew an away game so will be in Vancouver weekend of April 22
    • Season finished. Let Rose know if anyone wants to volunteer for ironman.
    • Over 30 fc: looking to recruit players for next year. Didn’t complete fundraiser. Want to confirm commitment
      1. There was consensus that fundraiser obligations could be paid pater (e.g., teams could host fundraisers in the summer).
    • Over 30 united: lost in cup final. Might be in same boat with fundraiser
    • Div 3 men: The tam enjoyed year-end banquet.
    • Div 4 men: No updates.
    • Over 35: lost 1 nil in semi finals. Did not qualify for provincials
    • Over40: season is over. Also looking for players.