Castaways Executive Meeting
Date: Monday April 1, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse
Matt Garnett, Brea Moore, Samantha Postle, Jena Croft, Lee Johnson, Tyson Loreth, Stefan Colantonio, Joey Sprout
Regrets: Cam Rose
Adoption of Minutes
- Veronica introduced a motion to approve the previous minutes; the motion was seconded by Tyson; all in favour – motion passed.
Ongoing business and Summary of Action Items
- Action items were reviewed.
1. Presidents Report
- Application for special licence for clubhouse was denied. However, the u21s will still be able to come to banquet as we have a special events licence for Hudson Market. We know process for next time. We get refunded the $200 application fee.
2. Vice-President Report
- N/A
3. Treasurers Report
- Over $2,000 in bank. Still waiting on money from tickets. We should make $3,400 total off Royals fundraiser once all ticket money in.
Social report
- Banquet update: Still waiting on money from a couple teams
- Numbers and names communicated by Wednesday. Will be posted on social media and through email.
4. Field Report
- Follow up with Jena if you need field time.
- Attending Oak Bay fields meeting and they are gathering input about fields for rugby and soccer. We have the option to be at Windsor instead of Carnarvon. General consensus on using Windsor.
5. Equipment Report
- Some teams have brought back jerseys. Please arrange to drop off jerseys at Lee’s place if needed.
- Please drop off equipment and email Lee which equipment you have.
- Action: Lee to make net items in the off-season
6. New Membership Report
- N/A
- Brea reminded the executive that we will need a new registrar for next year.
7. Website Report (via email)
- I was emailed some photo links by Matt and Samantha, I will pass these on to V and Arielle for use on social media sites.
- I will still speak to Ryan regarding the use of photos on our website if we have anything suitable available and what that would cost us, and request photos he has taken for use in our social media.
8. Sponsorship Report
- Telus would like to sponsor the u21 team but we are still negotiating.
- The executive discussed Matt’s options to host a tournament fundraiser. Options included Arbutus Ridge (course charges cost of $70, Club charges $100 and keeps the difference). Arbutus Ride is in Duncan so other options were discussed.
- Action: Matt to look into hosting a golf tournament at Metchosin and the feasibility of renting a bus.
9. Year-end
- Discussion on volunteers and logistics. Volunteers to be there at 6:15. Bartenders are volunteer but there will be a tip jar.
10. Team Reports
- Div 2: Finished second, not playing last make-up game. Beat first place team in cup.
- Div 3: Not playing last makeup game. As of right now, there is no div 3 team. Discussion on what to do for next year. Action: For now, we will reach out to Casey from LIWSA about recruiting players for Div 3 women.
- O30A: Playing last make up game tomorrow. 1 point behind fist place team to they win the league with a win. Won cup on the weekend. Draw for provincials is tonight. Goal to go to nationals.
- O30B: Last makeup game on weekend so they won the league. Still planning on doing a fundraiser in May.
- U21: N/A
- O35s: Season has been over a couple weeks. Made second round of cup.
- O48: N/A
- Div 3: Finished. Ready for may long.
- Div 4: Second place by one point.
Next meeting Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 6pm
Meeting adjourned at 6:58