In Executive Minutes

Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting 

Date: Tuesday April 6, 2021

Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm

Location: Skype/Zoom 

Zoom Link:

Attendance: Sam, Veronica, Tim (040s), Matt, Tyson, Chris (Div 4), Catherine (030B)

Non-Attendance: Merren, Jena, Julia, Cam

  1. Adopt last meeting minutes.
    1. Tyson moves to adopt.
    2. Sam second’s the motion
  2. Presidents Report
    1. Nothing to update.
  3. Vice-President Report
    1. We got another $2500 from VIAsport grant.
      1. We received roughly $7500 dollars total.
  4. Treasurers Report
    1. A couple checks have to go out from the back account.
    2. We are at roughly $19,000.
    3. Exec needs to discuss the refunds from the club.
      1. Received a refund invoice from VISL. 
        1. Maybe applied to next year.
    4. Financially in a good spot due to Samantha’s excellent work on getting the VIA sport. 
  5. Field Report
    1. We got some money back for the OB fields but owed to COV so it was a wash and evened out. 
  6. Equipment Report
    1. Both women’s teams have returned jerseys
      1. Men’s are just waiting to be collected
    2. Other outstanding gear can be returned by contacting Marcus.
  7. Membership Report
    1. Not in attendance
  8. Sponsorship Report
    1. Nothing to report.
  9. Social Report
    1. Results of the fundraising challenge has been announced.
      1. O30B won raising $530!
  10. Website Report
    1. All fees are paid for the year.
  11. Merchandise Report
    1. All merchandise except for hats are ready and can be picked up.
    2. Sweatpants did not have pockets.
      1. Follow-up w/ Teamsales & Aidan
  12. New business
    1. DSC
      1. Is there a lack of communication from the DSC?
      2. Want to set-up a go-fund me to fundraise some funds to fix some issues with the Clubhouse.
      3. Also suggesting volunteering time to help fix things.
      4. Want to send an email to all members to about supporting and helping the clubhouse.
  13. Meeting is adjourned. 

Next Meeting is: May 3rd 6-6:30 Exec 6:30 – 7 Exec/Team Reps