Date: Monday November 6, 2017
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse
Attendance: Brea Moore, Stefan Colantonio, Tyson Loreth, Rose Weakes, Jena Croft, Chris MacIsaac, Lee Johnson, Matt Garnett, Mits Nakagawa, Alli Malpass, Cam Rose, Julia Diamond, Ryan Emo, Steph Kittleson
Summary of Action Items
DSC Fees: Tyson will write a check to the DSC to pay 100% of the DSC dues. Julia will do a final count of current members.
Royals Fundraiser: Ryan will draft email and email about the Royals game fundraiser and will be explicit about the fact that each team is responsible for selling all the tickets.
Motion (VISL game ball Fine): Matt to act on Castaways behalf to contact BCSA via phone, email or person relating to the fines that have been distributed by VISL.
Approval of Minutes
Lee introduced motion to approve minutes which was passed.,
Brea read action items from last meeting.
Brea just got access to files. Only two Castaways players showed up at the DSC meeting. A Castaways player volunteered for the DSC president position. We still need players, new ideas, new bar manager. Dray is creating a list of what is roles/responsibilities for the bar manager.
Issue of fee: Will be introduced by Tyson in topic in treasurer’s report
Presidents Report
DSC fees
DSC requested that we pay our fees earlier in the season. The fees would be the same about but be paid early to help the DSC cover its costs.
Tyson will write a check to the DSC to pay 100% of the DSC dues. Julia will do a final count of current members.
Vice-President Report
Ryan has the tickets for Royals game fundraiser and distributed to teams during the meeting.
Action: Ryan will draft email and email about the Royals game fundraiser and will be explicit about the fact that each team is responsible for selling all the tickets.
Decision: We will sell one game at a time. Every team is responsible for returning amount of money listed on the bag (January 5)
Secretary’s Report
Added action items summary up front and am happy make further changes based on feedback.
Treasurers Report
Overall money situation is going well.
Follow-up on VISL Fine for BCSA form: The club will pay the fine for submitting the BCSA form to VISL late. There was a consensus that in the future the registrar will submit this form at the same time as registering the teams with VISL as it contains that same information as registration.
Field Report
There were two field cancellations this weekend and the club received refunds.
Equipment Report
There was a discussion about a fine the club received from VISL relating to game balls; however, Lee indicated that it is a conflict of interest as he is on the VISL board, abstained from the vote and did not provide opinion relating to a decision.
The club received two $50 fines for not purchasing new game balls for the Div 3 and 035 teams. This fine for not purchasing the game balls is not listed in the listed in VISL’s bylaws or rules, and the teams have been in compliance with the rule to have two acceptable game balls at each game. As a result, the club discussed the possibility of contesting the fine.
Tyson introduced a motion:
Matt to act on Castaways behalf to contact BCSA via phone, email or person relating to the fines that have been distributed by VISL.
Ryan Emo seconded the motion. Lee Johnson abstained from the vote. No executive opposed.
New Membership Report
There were five new signings since last meeting
There was a new signing injured after one game. The executive and agreed that we will cash check, and refund the player less $46 that we paid for league dues.
Website Report
The website is going well and Cam spoke to the developer Ryan two weeks ago. Castaways will be amazon affiliate; we will get a small percentage of money from Amazon purchases where the purchaser accessed Amazon through the Castaways website.
Sponsorship Report
Matt Contacted Bluebird Cabs but they decided not to do landline phones anymore because the company is focusing on its app.
Working on ties. Options to do scarves, vests later on
Social Report
Good job to Div 1 women’s team on Halloween party
Next event is November 17 for horse racing
Feb 4 is the SuperBowl party hosted by Div 3 min.
The 030 women is hosting an indoor tournament:
Dec 16, women only, at GNS, 5-aside
Looking to refs
Looking for other teams to co-host a party after.
Dray updated and reiterated the rules for hosting parties:
Must have a member at the door and have guests signed in to guestbook.
Only 75 tickets allowed to be sold.
Tickets must say “includes beer” not call the beer free (beer is $3.75 to bar).
Bar rules in effect: no booze outside, no outside booze, must be 19 plus with ID (no matter how long you have been here).
New business
Matt and Cam brought up the idea of having a club-wide pub crawl and that one team could host this as their fundraiser.
Sixty-second Team Reports
Div 1– Still looking for players. Asked to permit players form other teams if they don’t have games. Will promise game time. Open invite. Allowed 3 per weekend.
Div 2 – Second loss this week, overall doing well.
Div 3 – Signed one more player, might have another. Tied Gorge, Ladysmith game postphoned due to field closure.
O30 United – 6 wins in second.
Div 3 – Last game cancelled
Div 4 – standing, game, fundraiser
035 – good numbers, some injuries.
o48 – N/A
Next meeting December 11
Meeting adjourned at 7:23.