Castaways Executive Meeting
Date: Monday January 7, 2019
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse
Julia Diamond, Cam Rose, Samantha Postle, Jena Croft, Lee Johnson, Tyson Loreth, Stefan Colantonio, Geoff Briggs, Arielle Anderson, Veronica Hackett, Lee Johnson
Regrets: Brea Moore, Matt Garnett
Adoption of Minutes
- Tyson introduced a motion to approve the previous minutes; the motion was seconded by Veronica; all in favour – motion passed.
Ongoing business and Summary of Action Items
- Action items were reviewed.
1. Presidents Report
- N/A
2. Vice-President Report
- No update.
3. Treasurers Report
- In the process of signing checks for variety if club’s fees (e.g. DSC fees)
- The fees owed to the Discovery Sports Club (DSC) are $7,000 this year (fee is based on $50 per player). This is cost is about $2,000 lower than last year; however, this negatively impacts the revenues of the DSC, which is already facing financial hardship.
- Decision: Given Castaways is a member of the DSC, there was a consensus to add a standing DSC item on subsequent agendas so Castaways executive can receive an update of the DSC’s financial situation.
4. Field Report
- The practice schedule has been distributed via email and make-up games have been scheduled.
5.Equipment Report
- Let Lee know if your team needs any equipment such as new practice balls.
- Update on new standardized game balls for VISL: Lee will work with Tyson to understand financial implications of each men’s team being required to purchase two new games balls next season. Lee will also look into how to fund new game balls for women’s so they have same standard of equipment.
6. New Membership Report
- There are no refunds after December 31. New signings are $100.
- New membership role: Julia moving to Vancouver next month. She will be in Victoria until the end of the month and on the executive until the end of the year.
- Action: Julia to update the club’s Dropbox with a document describing the role
- Will need new person to fill role for next year.
7. Website Report
- Will put our out practice schedule. Women’s schedules are out. Found glitch in website. Quote for fields page is pending.
8. Sponsorship Report
- N/A
9. Social Report
- Oak Bay turf for year-end is booked for April 6th. The Div 2 women’s team will organize the tournament.
- Action: Julia to upload information on organizing the tournament to Dropbox
- Action: Arielle to check-in with teams who have not yet organized fundraisers.
- The Clubhouse for Royals fundraiser open before and after game this Friday.
10. Team Reports
- Div 2: No update since last meeting.
- Div 3: No update since last meeting.
- O30A: No update since last meeting.
- O30B: Played in an indoor tournament at Oak Bay. Fun time and recommend that teams join in future.
- U21: N/A
- O35s: N/A
- O48: No updates
- Div 3: The Super Bowl is party on February 3. Clubhouse open at 2:30, Kickoff around 3:30. There will be game of skill, dart tournament. Tickets are $10 and includes a drink.
- Div 4: About to complete the transfer of a player from Cowichan.
Next meeting February 11, 2019 at 6pm
Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm