In Executive Minutes
  1. Agenda – Castaways Executive Meeting 

    Date: Monday January 11m, 2021

    Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm

    Location: Skype/Zoom 

    Zoom Link:

    Attendance: Samantha, Veronica, Tyson, Brea, Tim (048s), Marcus, Matt, Cam, Julia, Catherine, aidan

    1. Adopt last meeting agenda
      1. Veronica moves to adopt
      2. Cam seconds
    2. Presidents Report
      1. Not much to update other what will be covered in other sections
    3. Vice-President Report
      1. No word on Viasports grant yet
    4. Treasurers Report
      1. Not too much new to report
      2. Do we have money back from Roast?
        1. No money back yet
        2. Frustration with them starting to rise
        3. Only a little bit of communication
      3. No communication on refunds from either league yet on cancellation/refunds
        1. How should we proceed?
          1. Reach out to the leagues?
          2. Will reach out to mens teams to judge interest
          3. Div 1w are out for rest of year.
    5. Field Report
      1. All fields cancelled to Feb 5
        1. Bookings have been kept for after the 5th.
    6. Equipment Report
      1. Socks from Soccerworld
        1. No longer carrying Baby Blues as of this summer
        2. Will go with the Teamsales baby blues. 
    7. Membership Report
      1. Updated registration list was sent out
      2. All fees paid
      3. Refund can be done if necessary but need about a week lead time.
        1. Div 1 want refund
    8. Sponsorship Report
      1. No new sponsor currently
      2. Bottle depot has not returned contact about charity account
    9. Social Report 
      1. Sent out an email about fundraising
        1. There was a question about whether the fundraising limit had changed
          1. No but no hard limit but prefer $1000
    10. Website Report
      1. Its all up to date
    11. Merchandise Report
      1. The store should finally be up soon
      2. Brett is just putting together the last few things
      3. We added sweatpants and removed a few things as they didn’t sell well, and the minimum order limit has increased.
      4. Store will be open 2 weeks initially with 1 week extension
    12. New business
      1. DSC has 3 offices and 4 parking space at clubhouse

    Next Meeting is: Next meeting is February 8th at 6pm.