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DRAFT – To be approved at the next executive meeting

Castaways Monthly Meeting


Date: Monday, December 16th, 2024

Time: 6:00pm (online)

Location: Clubhouse – 714 Discovery St



  • Team reps:
Div 1 OG
Div 1 YG
O30A Leah, Brea
O30B Stephanie
O35W Melanie
Div 2M
Div 4 Invicta Tom
Div 5 Deportivo
O35M Lee
O49M Mark
Div 3W Calypso


  • Executive: Emma, Briar, Cameron, Sydney, Deanna, Bella, Julia M, Julia P, Koben, Oscar, Aidan, Taylor


Non-attendance:  Div 1 OG, Div 1 YG, Div 2M, Div 5 Deportivo, Div 3W Calypso

Non-attendance last month: YGs, Div 2, Deportivo, O35M, Calypso


One Minute Reports

Div 1W OG – Nothing much to say. Tied this week, lots of injuries. Ready for a break.

Div 1W YGs – Nothing to report. Bye this week. Ready for break.

O30As – Neck and neck with gorge at the top of the league. Looking to bring up field issue.

O30Bs – Lots of competition in the league.

O35W – Middle of pack, lots of injuries.

Div 2M – No team rep.

Div 4M Invicta – Got a fine for wearing pinnies as jerseys this weekend.

Div 5Ms Deportivo – Doing fine. Hit with a sanction for 5 yellow cards in a game. Team performing well other than that.

O35M – Team doing well, signed lots of new players.

O49M – Lots of injuries and holiday absences.

Div 3W Calypso – No team rep.

Team rep new business

  1. Team rep group chat
    1. Not discussed.
  2. Improving event communication
    1. WhatsApp group chat with team reps?
      1. Oscar will make the group chat
    2. Can also go back to using newsletter and people can unsubscribe if they don’t want the information
    3. Melanie says the over 35s are less likely to do the Royals ugly sweater night types of events
  3. Leah looking to confirm whether sharing Wednesday practice time with the OGs
    1. Koben says assume no for now
  4. Invicta fined for wearing pinnies instead of jerseys this weekend – who pays?
    1. Need to determine whether its something the club failed on (like jerseys) or something the team failed on
  5. Deportivo’s fine for 5 yellows
    1. Deportivo has low number of cards leading up to the fine
    2. Vote whether the club pays Deportivo’s bond or not
      1. If bond is not repaid, collect from the Deportivo team rep and they can figure out how to collect from the team
      2. Vote to pay Deportivo fine
  • Deanna motions
  1. Julia P seconds
  2. 5 votes for, 2 votes against, 1 abstain. Vote passes
  1. Taylor suggests league liaison position for director at large


Executive reports


  1. Presidents Report
    1. Sent out email with Currie road information
    2. Vote whether we join rugby at Currie road or go our own way
      1. Julia M motions
      2. Julia P seconds
  • Unanimous not to join Rugby with Currie road
  1. Current clubhouse is 1.3 million but with 200k line of credit and 20k of property taxes owed
    1. If we wanted to keep current clubhouse, we would need to buy rugby out
  2. Deanna looking for other clubhouse options in the future
  1. Vice-President Report
    1. Nothing to report.
  2. Treasurers Report
    1. Motion to approve financial statements
      1. Aidan motions
      2. Taylor seconds
  • Passes unanimously
  1. See attached treasurer’s report
  1. Secretary Report
    1. Nothing to report.
  2. Registrar Report
    1. Beau not here.
    2. 234 players, 1 non-player executive, 12 non-player coaches
  3. Field Reports
    1. Practice schedule is out
    2. Let Koben know of any serious issues (no small issues)
    3. Don’t have many quality practice times to choose from
    4. Casey is starting to work on women’s games for Jan and Feb
  4. Events Report
    1. Created committee for year end banquet/tournament
      1. Need to know whether we want castaways members only or include plus ones
        1. Members only has more venues
        2. Having plus ones gives recognition to others in our lives that support playing soccer
        3. Deanna says the per person cost shouldn’t increase with more people
        4. Deanna has list of venues with large capacity
        5. Created poll from plus ones or members only: 5 votes for plus ones, 8 votes for members only
      2. Would like to implement friendly games once per month/every two months
        1. Mix and match practices to play other teams
      3. Create castaways summer rec league (including plus ones)
        1. Would charge small fee to cover fields
        2. Would need field for 2 hours, 1 day per week
  • Taylor/Koben suggest drop-in nights
  1. Julia P wondering if there is a breakdown of revenue/expenses for Nov 1st event
    1. Deanna – no revenue or expenses, money went back into prizes
  2. Ugly sweater Christmas event
    1. Not many tickets sold – many purchases are from one team
      1. Information is likely not getting out to teams effectively
    2. Brea suggests reaching out to rugby
  • Brea suggests creating a post on facebook
    1. Sydney does not have the login – Brea may have the login
  1. Sydney to reach out to the DSC social media person
  2. Will cancel the royals portion of the event and it will now become an ugly Christmas sweater night at the clubhouse
  1. Equipment Report
    1. Taylor is ordering jerseys
      1. Including alternatives
    2. Briar is working through record of jersey deposits
  2. Grants Report
    1. Would like suggestions for what we want funded in the next grant application
      1. There are different grants to accommodate different requests
      2. Julia P says we should offset as many existing costs as possible
    2. Taylor suggests creating google doc outlining what is possible to buy with grant funding
      1. Can’t be for a new team
      2. Oscar wondering about funding for rec league with grant money
  • Google doc also good to know what other people have suggested
  1. Julia M will create a document outlining what grants we’ve already applied for
  1. Sponsorship Report
    1. No emails in the sponsorship email
  2. Communications Report
    1. Will start posting more frequently
    2. Currently posting MVPs, game schedule, DSC happy hours, events
    3. Sydney will send team rep emails about events going forward unless someone else says they are going to
      1. Exec will be cc’ed on team rep emails
    4. Tom will look into emailing rules for all members
  3. Website Report
    1. Trying to get old website director off web domain account
      1. All moved into Cam P’s name from other Cam
    2. Moving credit card details onto castaways credit card
    3. 50th anniversary logo on website
    4. Calypso not in the blurb on about you page
  4. Merchandise Report
    1. Merch is not yet in, should be in this week
  5. Directors at Large Report
    1. Reached out to herald street brewing for year end event
      1. They were enthusiastic
      2. 160 capacity (only viable without plus ones)

Ongoing business


  1. Motion to adopt last meeting minutes.
    1. Julia P motions
    2. Aidan seconds
    3. Unanimously passes
  2. Jerseys and keeper jerseys
    1. How to fund extra set of jerseys (for Div 3s)?
      1. Come from Bullet security money?
      2. Vote to get the div 3s jerseys with Bullet money
        1. Emma motions to approve
        2. Deanna seconds
        3. Passes unanimously
      3. YGs may not need new jerseys
        1. Perhaps got new jerseys last year
        2. Would be good to get a few more jerseys for YG callups
  • Vote whether YGs need new jerseys or not
  1. We will be ordering 10 extra jerseys in additional sizes outside of the sets that are being ordered
  2. Don’t need to spend the entire jersey allocation on jerseys, will just need to write it in the final report
  3. Will keep old jerseys so we have a set for any new team
  4. Oscar to give Deanna or Julia M Deportivo’s old jerseys
  5. Keeper jerseys
    1. Poll whether we get 2 sets of yellow jerseys for each team or 1 yellow and 1 green for each team: 5 votes for 2 yellows, 6 votes for 1 yellow and 1 green
  6. Vote to buy 1 yellow and 1 green jerseys
    1. Aidan motions
    2. Koben seconds
    3. 11 for, 1 against. Vote passes
  7. Gear storage
    1. Vote to pay Julia M $50 per month
      1. Deanna motions
      2. Taylor seconds
  • Vote passes unanimously
  1. Julia M can have key available for people to access gear when needed. Basement is separate from rest of house.
  1. DSC updates
    1. Clubhouse update
      1. Have google doc to summarize clubhouse requirements
    2. Late player registration/one game singings
      1. Need policy
      2. Deanna will work on this this month
    3. Free registration for coach’s children
      1. Need policy
      2. Julia thinks this should go to family member – not a random
      3. Julia will draft bylaw for SGM or AGM
    4. Field equity
      1. Put grant allocation towards more turf fields?
      2. Deanna will send Julia numbers
    5. Lining the fields
      1. Melanie and Jena are maintaining the lines
        1. One more game scheduled on Carnarvon – need to line fields two or more times this month or need game moved
        2. If no more games on Carnarvon, they can stop lining the fields
  • Koben to follow up with Jena about contacting the bays kid
  1. Practice players
    1. Need some input from teams for what they’d like to see
    2. Need to cover league fees (insurance) and DSC fees
    3. Aidan reached out to teams – heard back from 2 with proposals/ideas. Didn’t go anywhere
  2. Directors and officers insurance
    1. Need someone to research whether this is something we should have to protect our executive
    2. Julia P has email out to Westland insurance for information
      1. They need info from us
      2. No updates
  • Julia P to follow up
  1. Disposal of old equipment
    1. Organization called Second Kicks that will repurpose old sets of jerseys/uniforms
    2. We would need to cover cost of shipping
    3. How many sets of uniforms are there?
      1. 3x 40L Rubbermaid totes in Julia’s basement of old jerseys
    4. Brea asking if there is a grant that could cover shipping costs or if second kicks has affiliation to certain shipping company
    5. Can also contact moving companies going to that area and they may take them for cheap
    6. Theresa with over 35s may be able to take them to Mexico with her
    7. Look into local options for jersey donations
    8. Will wait until we have new jerseys and look at all the kits together
  2. Edit bylaw 2.10 (10 A person’s membership in the Society is terminated if the person is not in good standing for 6 consecutive months)
    1. Bella to figure out good punishment for non payments (merch and registration)
      1. Bella to send out bylaw edits over email for exec to look at
      2. Can let the league know if someone doesn’t pay the registration fee and they won’t let them register for other teams
    2. Financial hardship allowance
      1. Need proposals
      2. Suggested at EDI training last year that this is included in bylaws
      3. Add this to a grant application
    3. Change to year end
      1. Melanie has been working on this
    4. Review societies
      1. Must ensure we are following everything we need
      2. Need to be submitting financial statements?
    5. Fee breakdown by player
      1. Julia P working on this
      2. Looking for more details on field costs before finalized
    6. Summary of fees paid to other clubs
      1. Julia P working on this
      2. No update
    7. Spending policies
      1. Needs to be formalized for SGM/AGM
      2. Julia P working on this
    8. Decision tracking
      1. Need a summary document that lists and explains decisions made so we can reference it
      2. Deanna found original document, going to update
    9. Jersey deposits
      1. Briar to write a policy outlining who pays jersey deposits and when
      2. Should have outline before new jerseys are handed out
    10. Next season planning
      1. Tabled until January
    11. End of season tournament and banquet
      1. Committee started – Oscar to spearhead this
      2. Deanna to provide list of accommodations that will accommodate large numbers
      3. Group chat created
    12. Fundraising this year
      1. Royals game
      2. Harbourcats
      3. Wine tasting?
      4. Deanna to create fundraising plan
      5. Sydney to reach out to Oscar and figure out events for the year
      6. Taylor offered to help with fundraising plan
    13. Sponsorship document
      1. Amounts need to be confirmed if not already done
      2. Deanna has also drafted a sponsorship document
      3. Need committee to edit sponsorship document
      4. Need to be clear about what the sponsorships entail and outline that on the contract
        1. Ex. Bullet security on keeper jerseys for different years than they signed up for
      5. Meeting layout
        1. Suggestions for meeting schedule?
          1. Put the team rep business after executive reports


Next meeting date: January 20th, 2025, 6pm online


February meeting is on the 10th since 17th is a holiday (in person maybe)


Meeting is adjourned.



  1. Oscar to make group chat with team reps and exec to improve communication.
  2. Sydney to get facebook login information from Brea.
  3. Oscar to give Julia M/Deanna Deportivo’s old jerseys.
  4. Briar to work on guidelines for jersey deposits.
  5. Julia M will create a document outlining what grants we’ve already applied for
  6. Everyone to give suggestions for grant funding.
  7. Tom will look into emailing rules for all members (ex. whether there needs to be an option to unsubscribe).
  8. Cam to put Calypso in blurb on about you page.
  9. Deanna to work on late player registration/one game singing policy.
  10. Julia to draft bylaw on free coach registration for SGM or AGM.
  11. Deanna will send Julia numbers for using grant towards turf fields.
  12. Koben to follow up with Jena about contacting bays kid to line fields.
  13. Julia P to follow up with Westland insurance about directors and officers insurance.
  14. Julia P to work on fee breakdown by player.
  15. Julia P to work on summary of fees paid to other clubs.
  16. Julia P to work on formalizing spending policies for SGM/AGM.
  17. Deanna to update decision tracking document.