Date: Monday April 9, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:00pm
Location: Castaways Clubhouse
Attendance (Executive): Brea Moore, Stefan Colantonio, Julia Diamond, Tyson Loreth, Matt Garnett, Jena Croft, Chris MacIsaac
Regrets: Lee Johnson, Ryan Emo, Cam Rose
Adoption of Minutes
Tyson introduced a motion to approve the March minutes; the motion was seconded by Geoff; all in favour – motion passed.
Ongoing business and Summary of Action Items
Executive and directors are to look at the Castaways constitution and bylaws and make suggestions on how the description for their board position could be updated. Stefan is so send the PDF as the website is down temporarily.
Tyson will send out an email at the start of May to close out this year and provide an overall financial view of the club.
Jena is gather field costs and Julia is to provide a breakdown of fees for two new teams. The information will be sent to Tyson.
Stefan to ask league about selling the Division 3 spot that was earned through Invicta’s promotion.
Team reps are to fill out field survey that Jena sent out.
Tyson will calculate the revenue from tickets and 50/50 and compare with labour day.
Completed. The made almost $4,000 from Royals fundraiser. For comparison, the last year of labour day the cub made $2,100.
Presidents Report
The Year-end tournament and banquet went well. Members were happy with taco stand and there was good feedback from the bar with respect to behaviour of members at the clubhouse.
Vice-President Report
Social Report
All teams are paid up for the Year-end.
Tyson to keep track of all of all banquet costs to get a final total
Treasurers Report
Action: Tyson will send out an email at the start of May to close out this year and provide an overall financial view of the club.
Equipment Report
Submitted in writing: I will have all of your team jersey bins ready for pick up on Monday and if you want to bring in your gear to drop off please let me know in advance and hopefully Brea can provide access to the basement/soccer storage to get things back in.
Field Report
There are no remaining field bookings. Jena will organize fields after looking at the field survey that is to be completed by each team.
School prices are increasing. As a result, renting fields from the City of Victoria might be a better option in the future.
New Membership Report
No updates.
Website Report
Submitted in writing: The website is still down, I was misinformed by one source and spent some time trying to contact someone that doesn’t actually host us. Now I’m back in touch with the proper people but have been playing telephone tag with their billing department. Hopefully it will be resolved this week. Once this is done I will meet with Ryan to talk about a price for setting the website up for next season.
Sponsorship Report
No updates on sponsorship side.
The ties were a hit. Sold 31/50. Still out about $650 for the remaining ties. Matt has paid for them and will figure out how to settle with club.
New business
Brea is still in talks with the youth academy. The Academy would start in May and run throughout summer. Will have updates over the next month. There are four coaching staff. There was a discussion on the possibility of having a company sponsor the academy to pay for field time.
The club will need to organize jerseys in May for the new division 4 team.
Field costs across the board are going up and as a result the club may need to start raising fees. There was a discussion on how to best prepare a resolution at the next AGM that provides rational (e.g., costs increasing but fees have been flat for about nine years) for raising dues and highlights the value proposition of playing for Castaways.
Action: Jena is gather field costs and Julia is to provide a breakdown of fees for two new teams. The information will be sent to Tyson.
Action: Stefan to ask league about selling the Division 3 spot that was earned through Invicta’s promotion.
Brea is having the member of the year award refurbished and names updates.
Sixty-second Team Reports
Div 1– Sounds like most are coming back. Still don’t have a goalie. Everyone had fun at the party.
Div 2 – Similar team back, including pregnant women. Will be looking for a coach. Made about $500 for the raffle.
Div 3 – Nice having coach and he offered to come back. Running fundraiser June 3 iron man.
O30 – Waiting to here who they play for provincials. Will post on castaways Facebook to get fans out to game. Game on Saturday April 28.
Div 3 – Great season, Losing coach. Need new coach next year.
Div 4 – Good season and turnout to year end. Hope to continue success for next year.
O35 – N/A
O48 – Successful year. Large tournament same weekend as our year-end.
Adjournment. 7:03 pm | Next meeting for executive, optional for team reps May 14, 2018 at 6pm.