DRAFT – To be approved at the next executive meeting
Castaways Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, December 16th, 2024
Time: 6:00pm (online)
Location: Clubhouse – 714 Discovery St
- Team reps:
Div 1 OG | |
Div 1 YG | |
O30A | Leah, Brea |
O30B | Stephanie |
O35W | Melanie |
Div 2M | |
Div 4 Invicta | Tom |
Div 5 Deportivo | |
O35M | Lee |
O49M | Mark |
Div 3W Calypso |
- Executive: Emma, Briar, Cameron, Sydney, Deanna, Bella, Julia M, Julia P, Koben, Oscar, Aidan, Taylor
Non-attendance: Div 1 OG, Div 1 YG, Div 2M, Div 5 Deportivo, Div 3W Calypso
Non-attendance last month: YGs, Div 2, Deportivo, O35M, Calypso
One Minute Reports
Div 1W OG – Nothing much to say. Tied this week, lots of injuries. Ready for a break.
Div 1W YGs – Nothing to report. Bye this week. Ready for break.
O30As – Neck and neck with gorge at the top of the league. Looking to bring up field issue.
O30Bs – Lots of competition in the league.
O35W – Middle of pack, lots of injuries.
Div 2M – No team rep.
Div 4M Invicta – Got a fine for wearing pinnies as jerseys this weekend.
Div 5Ms Deportivo – Doing fine. Hit with a sanction for 5 yellow cards in a game. Team performing well other than that.
O35M – Team doing well, signed lots of new players.
O49M – Lots of injuries and holiday absences.
Div 3W Calypso – No team rep.
Team rep new business
- Team rep group chat
- Not discussed.
- Improving event communication
- WhatsApp group chat with team reps?
- Oscar will make the group chat
- Can also go back to using newsletter and people can unsubscribe if they don’t want the information
- Melanie says the over 35s are less likely to do the Royals ugly sweater night types of events
- WhatsApp group chat with team reps?
- Leah looking to confirm whether sharing Wednesday practice time with the OGs
- Koben says assume no for now
- Invicta fined for wearing pinnies instead of jerseys this weekend – who pays?
- Need to determine whether its something the club failed on (like jerseys) or something the team failed on
- Deportivo’s fine for 5 yellows
- Deportivo has low number of cards leading up to the fine
- Vote whether the club pays Deportivo’s bond or not
- If bond is not repaid, collect from the Deportivo team rep and they can figure out how to collect from the team
- Vote to pay Deportivo fine
- Deanna motions
- Julia P seconds
- 5 votes for, 2 votes against, 1 abstain. Vote passes
- Taylor suggests league liaison position for director at large
Executive reports
- Presidents Report
- Sent out email with Currie road information
- Vote whether we join rugby at Currie road or go our own way
- Julia M motions
- Julia P seconds
- Unanimous not to join Rugby with Currie road
- Current clubhouse is 1.3 million but with 200k line of credit and 20k of property taxes owed
- If we wanted to keep current clubhouse, we would need to buy rugby out
- Deanna looking for other clubhouse options in the future
- Vice-President Report
- Nothing to report.
- Treasurers Report
- Motion to approve financial statements
- Aidan motions
- Taylor seconds
- Motion to approve financial statements
- Passes unanimously
- See attached treasurer’s report
- Secretary Report
- Nothing to report.
- Registrar Report
- Beau not here.
- 234 players, 1 non-player executive, 12 non-player coaches
- Field Reports
- Practice schedule is out
- Let Koben know of any serious issues (no small issues)
- Don’t have many quality practice times to choose from
- Casey is starting to work on women’s games for Jan and Feb
- Events Report
- Created committee for year end banquet/tournament
- Need to know whether we want castaways members only or include plus ones
- Members only has more venues
- Having plus ones gives recognition to others in our lives that support playing soccer
- Deanna says the per person cost shouldn’t increase with more people
- Deanna has list of venues with large capacity
- Created poll from plus ones or members only: 5 votes for plus ones, 8 votes for members only
- Would like to implement friendly games once per month/every two months
- Mix and match practices to play other teams
- Create castaways summer rec league (including plus ones)
- Would charge small fee to cover fields
- Would need field for 2 hours, 1 day per week
- Need to know whether we want castaways members only or include plus ones
- Created committee for year end banquet/tournament
- Taylor/Koben suggest drop-in nights
- Julia P wondering if there is a breakdown of revenue/expenses for Nov 1st event
- Deanna – no revenue or expenses, money went back into prizes
- Ugly sweater Christmas event
- Not many tickets sold – many purchases are from one team
- Information is likely not getting out to teams effectively
- Brea suggests reaching out to rugby
- Not many tickets sold – many purchases are from one team
- Brea suggests creating a post on facebook
- Sydney does not have the login – Brea may have the login
- Sydney to reach out to the DSC social media person
- Will cancel the royals portion of the event and it will now become an ugly Christmas sweater night at the clubhouse
- Equipment Report
- Taylor is ordering jerseys
- Including alternatives
- Briar is working through record of jersey deposits
- Taylor is ordering jerseys
- Grants Report
- Would like suggestions for what we want funded in the next grant application
- There are different grants to accommodate different requests
- Julia P says we should offset as many existing costs as possible
- Taylor suggests creating google doc outlining what is possible to buy with grant funding
- Can’t be for a new team
- Oscar wondering about funding for rec league with grant money
- Would like suggestions for what we want funded in the next grant application
- Google doc also good to know what other people have suggested
- Julia M will create a document outlining what grants we’ve already applied for
- Sponsorship Report
- No emails in the sponsorship email
- Communications Report
- Will start posting more frequently
- Currently posting MVPs, game schedule, DSC happy hours, events
- Sydney will send team rep emails about events going forward unless someone else says they are going to
- Exec will be cc’ed on team rep emails
- Tom will look into emailing rules for all members
- Website Report
- Trying to get old website director off web domain account
- All moved into Cam P’s name from other Cam
- Moving credit card details onto castaways credit card
- 50th anniversary logo on website
- Calypso not in the blurb on about you page
- Trying to get old website director off web domain account
- Merchandise Report
- Merch is not yet in, should be in this week
- Directors at Large Report
- Reached out to herald street brewing for year end event
- They were enthusiastic
- 160 capacity (only viable without plus ones)
- Reached out to herald street brewing for year end event
Ongoing business
- Motion to adopt last meeting minutes.
- Julia P motions
- Aidan seconds
- Unanimously passes
- Jerseys and keeper jerseys
- How to fund extra set of jerseys (for Div 3s)?
- Come from Bullet security money?
- Vote to get the div 3s jerseys with Bullet money
- Emma motions to approve
- Deanna seconds
- Passes unanimously
- YGs may not need new jerseys
- Perhaps got new jerseys last year
- Would be good to get a few more jerseys for YG callups
- How to fund extra set of jerseys (for Div 3s)?
- Vote whether YGs need new jerseys or not
- We will be ordering 10 extra jerseys in additional sizes outside of the sets that are being ordered
- Don’t need to spend the entire jersey allocation on jerseys, will just need to write it in the final report
- Will keep old jerseys so we have a set for any new team
- Oscar to give Deanna or Julia M Deportivo’s old jerseys
- Keeper jerseys
- Poll whether we get 2 sets of yellow jerseys for each team or 1 yellow and 1 green for each team: 5 votes for 2 yellows, 6 votes for 1 yellow and 1 green
- Vote to buy 1 yellow and 1 green jerseys
- Aidan motions
- Koben seconds
- 11 for, 1 against. Vote passes
- Gear storage
- Vote to pay Julia M $50 per month
- Deanna motions
- Taylor seconds
- Vote to pay Julia M $50 per month
- Vote passes unanimously
- Julia M can have key available for people to access gear when needed. Basement is separate from rest of house.
- DSC updates
- Clubhouse update
- Have google doc to summarize clubhouse requirements
- Late player registration/one game singings
- Need policy
- Deanna will work on this this month
- Free registration for coach’s children
- Need policy
- Julia thinks this should go to family member – not a random
- Julia will draft bylaw for SGM or AGM
- Field equity
- Put grant allocation towards more turf fields?
- Deanna will send Julia numbers
- Lining the fields
- Melanie and Jena are maintaining the lines
- One more game scheduled on Carnarvon – need to line fields two or more times this month or need game moved
- If no more games on Carnarvon, they can stop lining the fields
- Melanie and Jena are maintaining the lines
- Clubhouse update
- Koben to follow up with Jena about contacting the bays kid
- Practice players
- Need some input from teams for what they’d like to see
- Need to cover league fees (insurance) and DSC fees
- Aidan reached out to teams – heard back from 2 with proposals/ideas. Didn’t go anywhere
- Directors and officers insurance
- Need someone to research whether this is something we should have to protect our executive
- Julia P has email out to Westland insurance for information
- They need info from us
- No updates
- Julia P to follow up
- Disposal of old equipment
- Organization called Second Kicks that will repurpose old sets of jerseys/uniforms
- We would need to cover cost of shipping
- How many sets of uniforms are there?
- 3x 40L Rubbermaid totes in Julia’s basement of old jerseys
- Brea asking if there is a grant that could cover shipping costs or if second kicks has affiliation to certain shipping company
- Can also contact moving companies going to that area and they may take them for cheap
- Theresa with over 35s may be able to take them to Mexico with her
- Look into local options for jersey donations
- Will wait until we have new jerseys and look at all the kits together
- Edit bylaw 2.10 (10 A person’s membership in the Society is terminated if the person is not in good standing for 6 consecutive months)
- Bella to figure out good punishment for non payments (merch and registration)
- Bella to send out bylaw edits over email for exec to look at
- Can let the league know if someone doesn’t pay the registration fee and they won’t let them register for other teams
- Financial hardship allowance
- Need proposals
- Suggested at EDI training last year that this is included in bylaws
- Add this to a grant application
- Change to year end
- Melanie has been working on this
- Review societies
- Must ensure we are following everything we need
- Need to be submitting financial statements?
- Fee breakdown by player
- Julia P working on this
- Looking for more details on field costs before finalized
- Summary of fees paid to other clubs
- Julia P working on this
- No update
- Spending policies
- Needs to be formalized for SGM/AGM
- Julia P working on this
- Decision tracking
- Need a summary document that lists and explains decisions made so we can reference it
- Deanna found original document, going to update
- Jersey deposits
- Briar to write a policy outlining who pays jersey deposits and when
- Should have outline before new jerseys are handed out
- Next season planning
- Tabled until January
- End of season tournament and banquet
- Committee started – Oscar to spearhead this
- Deanna to provide list of accommodations that will accommodate large numbers
- Group chat created
- Fundraising this year
- Royals game
- Harbourcats
- Wine tasting?
- Deanna to create fundraising plan
- Sydney to reach out to Oscar and figure out events for the year
- Taylor offered to help with fundraising plan
- Sponsorship document
- Amounts need to be confirmed if not already done
- Deanna has also drafted a sponsorship document
- Need committee to edit sponsorship document
- Need to be clear about what the sponsorships entail and outline that on the contract
- Ex. Bullet security on keeper jerseys for different years than they signed up for
- Meeting layout
- Suggestions for meeting schedule?
- Put the team rep business after executive reports
- Suggestions for meeting schedule?
- Bella to figure out good punishment for non payments (merch and registration)
Next meeting date: January 20th, 2025, 6pm online
February meeting is on the 10th since 17th is a holiday (in person maybe)
Meeting is adjourned.
- Oscar to make group chat with team reps and exec to improve communication.
- Sydney to get facebook login information from Brea.
- Oscar to give Julia M/Deanna Deportivo’s old jerseys.
- Briar to work on guidelines for jersey deposits.
- Julia M will create a document outlining what grants we’ve already applied for
- Everyone to give suggestions for grant funding.
- Tom will look into emailing rules for all members (ex. whether there needs to be an option to unsubscribe).
- Cam to put Calypso in blurb on about you page.
- Deanna to work on late player registration/one game singing policy.
- Julia to draft bylaw on free coach registration for SGM or AGM.
- Deanna will send Julia numbers for using grant towards turf fields.
- Koben to follow up with Jena about contacting bays kid to line fields.
- Julia P to follow up with Westland insurance about directors and officers insurance.
- Julia P to work on fee breakdown by player.
- Julia P to work on summary of fees paid to other clubs.
- Julia P to work on formalizing spending policies for SGM/AGM.
- Deanna to update decision tracking document.